April 2, 2011

after japan’s march 2011 earthquakes and tsunami, friends and family were contacted to make sure everyone was safe and sound. i began to think about how to help from so far away and what are things that i can do.
so in support of japan’s relief efforts, i designed these brass, nickel, and sterling silver items that half of the profits will be donated to the american red cross.
please see them in my etsy shop and thank you for your support.
February 25, 2011

the first “branching out” necklace was made out of 14K yellow gold as a birthday gift for my sister. she had requested a small gold pendant that could easily be worn every day…with all of life’s hectic moments, hiking, and kids! it’s always fun to work on new designs with a specific goal in mind.
the lil gold pendant was just so cute that i then proceeded to make a sterling silver one and then another larger antiqued one too!
i will continue to make them and they’ll be in my etsy shop!
February 21, 2011

a customer on Etsy recently requested a custom-made, personalized necklace featuring the initials A, L, A of her children. it’s always a pleasure to design and fabricate a piece of jewelry that holds meaning for the wearer and will continue to exist long after it leaves my hands!
thanks, lisa, for giving me the opportunity to make your necklace! hope you’re enjoying it!
this necklace has the tiniest letters i have made so far, measuring 1 cm by 1 cm.
January 2, 2011

the new year is upon us. as i celebrated with loved ones and practiced traditional acts of good luck. i then began to wonder about the significance of this time of the year, which i found to be very interesting…
the month of January is named after Janus, the Roman god whose two heads face in opposite directions, thus signifying a reflection of the past year and the future to come. Janus’ name stems from the latin root, ianua, meaning doors and so Janus is the god of doors and passageways, which symbolizes beginnings and ends.
during this transitional time of the year, a poetic term coined ‘negative capability’ by John Keats is appropriate, where he describes living your life with confidence and happiness while accepting that it is filled with uncertainty.
December 9, 2010

one thing i miss about winters in massachusetts is the snow. coming out of the studio really late at night and walking home with fresh powdery snow covering the streets, creating a blanket of quiet, and no one else around. sometimes i worried that if someone wanted to follow me, it’d be easy to see my tracks in the snow. but likewise, right outside my door i’d be able to see if i had visitors in the night…like these little snow paws.
and speaking of tracks…
please enjoy the wonderful laura veirs
November 22, 2010

this coming saturday, november 27th from 10 am to 4pm, i will be at the Craft and Folk Art Museum (CAFAM) in los angeles to sell my jewelry in part one of their holiday global bazaar.
5814 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90036
please note: i will only be at the 11/27 event and not the 12/4 one
October 20, 2010

a graphic designer, Leslie Chow, contacted me about helping her bring a unique, custom designed wedding necklace into fruition. her design talents and vision made this a fun and exciting project to collaborate on! it is usually a challenge to work with someone solely via emails but Leslie and i had naturally smooth correspondences which made the job that much more pleasurable. her design translated beautifully into silver!
i want to wish happiness and health to leslie and jag in the following months and years to come!
the necklace is hand fabricated out of sterling silver and finished with a high polish.